Carlton Legal Services PLC

At Carlton Legal Services PLC, we only handle bankruptcy cases. Bankruptcy is the most powerful debt relief program in America. It stops house foreclosures, vehicle repossessions, garnishments, frozen bank accounts, collection calls, collection letters and lawsuits.

We are a debt-relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.

Contact us today for a free initial conference. We offer free front-door parking and are in a handicap-accessible building.

Contact Information

Business hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Call us Toll Free: (800) 870-0513


Harrisonburg VA Attorney

Carlton Legal Services PLC

310 Neff Avenue

Harrisonburg, VA 22801

(540) 437-9900


Staunton VA Attorney

Carlton Legal Services PLC

118 MacTanly Pl

Staunton, VA 22401

(540) 213-0547


Waynesboro VA Attorney

(540) 943-8480


Serving Shenandoah Valley, Alleghany Highlands

In Business Since 1992

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Our Location

Harrisonburg VA

Staunton VA